Saturday, January 2, 2010

Keeping up with the KidTECHians

“Santa brought me an iPod!” exclaimed my two and a half year old son James on Christmas morning.  Either Santa’s toy shop has become increasingly advanced over the years, or I splurged a little.  Some might question giving technology to a toddler, however I’ve only delayed giving it to him in order to wait for the holidays.  Truth is, he was ready for it at two.  Technology is as much a part of my child’s life as his daddy and me.

I am a Gen Xer who considers myself an honorary member of Gen Y (given my very late in the year birthday in, gulp, 1978).  I vividly remember playing Reader Rabbit on our first computer, a Commodor 64 with cartridges and 5 1/2-inch floppy disks.  We had a “Go Phone”, a microwave, and remote controls.  As I went through my education, my use of technology extended to a dial-up connection in my dorm room to download music from Napster.  Revolutionary!  I remember getting my first cell phone like it was my first time at prom.

Fast forward to the world my child is living in.  He knows how to open the DVD player and insert a disc, turn on the TV and phone, play on the computer, listen to music on an iPod - all before he’s fully potty trained!  Tech is completely engrained into the world around him and it scares the crap out of me.  Sure there are parental controls and being involved is the best prevention, but therein lies the problem - the rate at which new technologies enter our world and become ubiquitous seems overwhelming even for a “technophile” like me. 

How is it possible to keep up on technology and protect our children when we don’t know what to protect them from?  As parents we have to do our best to embrace technology ourselves and leverage it to ensure our kids’ safety.  Stay informed, and stay connected.  There are several sites available - get an RSS reader  and subscribe to them.  Do some research and do it daily.  Check out Safe - a site dedicated to internet safety and civility and, if you’re considering a Mac for your home computer have your local Apple Store employee show you the built-in parental controls, or watch a short video online.

While it seems overwhelming, know that the President is working to ensure our kids' safety online too - the Online Safety and Technology Group (OSTG) was established in April, 2009 as part of the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.  However, you have to be an active participant too.  What steps do you take to ensure you’re kids’ safety online and while using other technologies?

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