Friday, January 15, 2010

Celebrating life through digital slideshow

“Dad, I’m losing you, I think we have a bad connection.”  No, my dad-in-law Terry was having a hard time talking because he was crying.  “Grandpa is dying.”  We all knew this was coming and soon, but death, even when expected, delivers a powerful blow. 

As a child, I once picked flowers from our wooded lot and walked two miles to deliver them to Leona Helms, an elderly woman who lived across from my elementary school.  I don’t know what sparked the trip that day, but I remember she was so happy to have a young person visit.  She gave me chocolate.  In my innocent mind she was immediately my friend.  Shortly after, she passed away.  I went to the funeral and completely fell apart.  I wasn’t sure how to handle her passing, but I knew what I felt - helpless.

No matter how many friends, family members, or acquaintances pass away I always have the same feeling.  Sometimes I feel helpless because I know with death’s finality my chance to have a relationship with that person has also passed away.  Sometimes I feel helpless because I can’t help those most closely affected by the loss.

Today, however, Terry took my helplessness away.  He wants me to honor his father with a digital slideshow at the wake.   An easy task for me, but it’s a task.  I can help!  This will give my dad-in-law and the rest of our family a joyful way to honor Grandpa’s life.  Setting the slideshow to music creates a moving and personal homage. 

I will be using Apple’s iDVD “Magic DVD” ( option which is by far the easiest way to create a photo slideshow set to music.  If you do not own a Mac, here is a recent review of the Top 10 photo slideshow applications ( The next time you feel helpless in the wake of a loved one’s passing, consider taking the reigns and honoring their life through a digital slideshow.

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